Langa Bread
The fragrance and taste of “country bread”.

Our bread has rural origin…
Until the first after the war there were no bakeries, in each village of the town the inhabitants built a small oven in common and in turn the women cooked bread. The dough was naturally leavened, a piece of dough was preserved from one time to another that served as yeast (in dialect it was called “Ilvo”).
The bread was baked, depending on the number of family members, once a week, every two weeks or even just once a month. It was then kept wrapped in a cloth inside the “madia”, which was the typical peasant kitchen table.
This tradition still exists in some families.

How we produce it today
We still produce bread with only flour, water, salt and yeast; the processing, now done with modern systems, has not however been altered and the product has not lost its characteristics.
The peculiarity of this bread is the total absence of additives of any kind and the excellent preservation over time.